Relocation of Industrial machines, transport, unloading and loading of machines, devices and production lines


Our company provides services related to the relocation of machines and production lines both within one plant and between plants. We have experience and specialist knowledge that allows us to carry out work in a safe manner for the devices, employees and the entire plant infrastructure.



Professionalism and Health & Safety


We start our activities by learning the expectations of our customers. We carry out a preliminary diagnosis of the characteristics of machines, equipment or production lines, as well as the environment. Then we make a detailed plan of all relocation stages. We include it In the exact schedule of work that will be carried out by our team, after which we forward it to the client for review so that he can verify and supervise our activities.



Individual Approach


We are aware of the fact that each relocation has a different character. For this reason, we approach orders individually, ensuring the highest efficiency and efficiency of the entire process. We have the appropriate technical facilities and knowledge of specialists in the fields of electricity, hydraulics and pneumatics. Thanks to this, we can offer such a wide range of services in the field of machine relocation: dismantling of machines, relocation of machines, transport, loading and unloading of machines, industrial assembly. loading of sea containers. Our offer also includes services that require the use of additional technical solutions in the form of heavy equipment, including mobile cranes, specialized cranes or forklifts - e.g. loading of sea containers.


Zasady przetwarzania danych

Dotyczące danych z formularza wysyłanych ze strony.

Dane z powyższego formularza będą przetwarzane przez naszą firmę jedynie w celu odpowiedzi na kontakt w okresie niezbędnym na procedowanie przekazanej sprawy. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne do przetworzenia zapytania. Każda osoba posiada prawo dostępu do swoich danych, ich sprostowania i usunięcia oraz prawo do wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec niewłaściwego przetwarzania. W przypadku niezgodnego z prawem przetwarzania każdy posiada prawo do wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego. Administratorem danych osobowych jest Mechatech Sp. z o.o., siedziba: Piekarska 1-3, 41-506 Chorzów.