industrial demolitions

Industrial demolitions

In order to meet the expectations of our customers as well as the market demand, we are expanding the range of our services to industrial demolitions in the European Union and Scandinavia countries. 


We carry out demolition, liquidation and disassembly of mainly production lines, single machines or entire machine parks, all kinds of boilers, tanks, siloses, etc., lifting devices, e.g. cranes, as well as broadly understood industrial infrastructure.


Our service is directed to companies operating in all industry sectors.


The scope of the service offered is individually tailored to the needs of a the customer. During the technical meeting, we will develop an optimal solution for a given task as well as prepare a work schedule tailored to the needs of the Ordering Party.


Examples of activities performed during the order:

  • Pumping of liquids such as oils, coolants etc.
  • Customize the size of metal waste by Oxygen-Acetylene cutting
  • Segregation, sorting of disassembled elements in accordance with BDO 
  • Weighing the created elements and loading onto the means of transport, for example In to containers
  • Organization of utilization of individual fractions
  • Construction works enabling the execution of the order

Zasady przetwarzania danych

Dotyczące danych z formularza wysyłanych ze strony.

Dane z powyższego formularza będą przetwarzane przez naszą firmę jedynie w celu odpowiedzi na kontakt w okresie niezbędnym na procedowanie przekazanej sprawy. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne do przetworzenia zapytania. Każda osoba posiada prawo dostępu do swoich danych, ich sprostowania i usunięcia oraz prawo do wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec niewłaściwego przetwarzania. W przypadku niezgodnego z prawem przetwarzania każdy posiada prawo do wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego. Administratorem danych osobowych jest Mechatech Sp. z o.o., siedziba: Piekarska 1-3, 41-506 Chorzów.